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Play Based Learning

Fun & Creativity


Easel painting and free draw are available all day, every day. We also set out art project each day which implement new techniques such as marble paint, dot paint, water color, sponge painting, car painting, etc. Some of these projects help to develop the fine motor skills that are necessary for holding a pencil. Others work on large motor skills which involve hand eye coordination and allow your child to cross their midline, which is a nessary aspect of congitive development. 


Music is all around us. We play music in the background while the children are playing, we have instruments available for the children to use, we have books about music, and we sing during circle time. Most days Joey will bring his guitar and play for the children while they sing along and dance. We also have a creative music station outside for the children to experience sound with different objects. During rest time we play soft, instrumental music ranging from Classical to Native American to Celtic. 


Children need to engage their whole bodies to learn. We offer a variety of activities daily which give the children the opportunity to use different parts of their body. This helps with hand eye coordination, large motor skills, cognitive development, and muscle control. Circle time is normally full of dancing!


We go outside at least one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon (usually longer). We play outside year round, so make sure your child is dressed appropriately. We will stay inside when it is raining.


In our classroom we have books available for the children to read on their own and books on tape that they can listen to while they follow along on the page. Various times throughout the day a teacher will sit down and read stories aloud to the children, they can choose to participate if they would like. We also have a writing table available where they can sit down and practice their letters when they are ready. Our Infant/Toddler staff teaches Baby Sign in their classroom, which allows our non-verbal children to communicate with us & each other. 

Math & Science

Mathematics are present in our manipulatives by way of sorting, counting, weighing, matching, and stacking. Legos and blocks help your child learn spatial awareness and physics. Food prep teaches your child how to measure. Songs and stories help with memorization and counting. Your child is learning mathematics in virtually every activity they do. 


We have a science area in our classroom where your child can learn about the earth's creatures. In that environment lives our pet tortoise SJ who joined our crew in March. We also have pet Finches who had 3 babies while we were on break during the COVID closure! What a fun surprise to come back to! 


Science is also about cause and effect, and testing theories. Each child is a natural little scientist whose main goal is to explore the world around them. Each day we are learning by experimenting with new ideas, activities, scenarios, and adventures. We thrive on creating an environment that encourages children to ask questions, problem solve, and work together. 

Outside Play

Children need the opportunity to run, jump, climb, and engage their whole body. Our playground environment provides these opportunities and we play outside for at least one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon (but u sually longer!). We go outside year round, but will stay inside when it is raining. Please make sure your child has sunscreen, extra clothes, and weather appropriate attire each day. We do water play in the summer, we get muddy in the winter, and we play in the dirt all the time. We have trucks for digging, structures for climbing, bikes for riding, grass for running, balls for throwing and kicking, crates for stacking, and a sandbox for...whatever they can imagine! The chidren recently helped plant a vegetable garden, and we are excited to watch it grow! 

Infant Center Lic #045407584

Preschool License #045407585

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